Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Windows 7 x64 & Music Recording

It's amazing!
How do they always manage to build things that will never work right?

I'm sure there is a huge conspiracy under this!
Let me explain.
Recording , in any 32 bit system is a piece of cake.The drivers actually exist,the asio workS perfectly(well you know..) , the VST's won't give you a hard time , your devices are compatible.
There is a big problem though.The limitation of the RAM your system can recognize is really bad for your work(all windows 32 bit OSs cannot work with more than 4GB RAM).
Your projects keep crashing when you overload them,even with an exeptional PC.The plugins keep growing with the requirements growing in double speeds.
So the main idea is that we need to MIGRATE to a x64 system to use more Ram.
This is not so easy since there is a whole page of incompatibilities.
There are plenty of obvious solutions that i can think of but nearly none of them actually work.

Let us assume that we are using Nuendo 3 or Cubase SX 3.We all know that 95% or more than the people reading this article have never bought a single steinberg product , but they use it all the time.Of course this is normal.The prices are EXTREME,the torrents are free and the keygens are the only working-as-intended-applications in the Web.
H2O served us all well when they were in bussines.Now i've heard that they work for Steinberg:p
My way around:
1.H2O made an application that immitates the usb protection device that steinberg gives with nuendo and cubase so anybody can use it without it.

2.They made only a x86 (or 32 bit) version (Among other stuff:P) and then they were hired by Steinberg.

3.Cubase and Nuendo 1 , 2 or 3 are not compatible with x64 systems.

4.Nuendo 4 that IS partialy compatible with x64 systems has not been cracked and you cannot find it easily.

5.In the HUGE luck of finding it(like after 3 days doing deep research even in malaysian grocery forums:p) it will crash every 2,5 minutes since the 64 bit desing is really poor.

6.Forgot to mention that you have to find it pre-installed and do major hacks to get it to open in first place.

7.Cubase 4 is the same mess.

8.I am thinking about all those who actually bought Cubase 4 and realised it will not work on their system.

9.The dumbest thing about cubase 4 is that if you want to use it on x64 mode(!) ,ALL (and i mean it) your plugins have to be x64.If even one plugin is x86 the script will crash on vista and will turn in a 32 bit instance on windows 7(RAM LIMIT AGAIN).

So if Steinberg is stupid ,
Windows 7 is Just dumb and Windows Vista is just Retarded.

At this point i started to wonder:
(Buying a mac and Logic or Protools was a bit out of my league)
Mabye i should swich to another DAW.I did a little research and i came down with SONAR.
Everybody sais it works with 64 bit systems.It actually worked with a single download and a few clicks.
And then i thought.I DONT LIKE SONAR!.i hate it's interface.I want to go on with the DAW i've learned to use.It's impossible!
How do they always manage to build things that will never work right?

10.After weeks of searching a good thing happened.actually two things.
I came across a torrent: Cubase 5 air iso.
But of course Cubase 5!it supports x64 systems but there is no cracked dongle call
for x64(the immitator i was talking about before)

11.Right before deleting the torrent and getting back to Sonar x64 or Xp x32 (:P) , a miracle happened.

12.I found a realy wise dude's blog.He was talking about something entirely new.
Why don't we remove the need of cubese to ask for the dongle from its code.
he had an attachment to his post.the fixed dll of the dongle driver.

13.SO THE Solution i came up with was:
Cubase 5 air iso + fix of dongle driver

I won't link because you should search and learn.
(if you need it badly though leave your email below)


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